Thursday, January 28, 2010

Macedonia? Threat or Ally

Today Demosthenes preached his third philippic he had good reasoning and a great idea on how to help prepare for a Macedonian invasion. Demosthenes sees that Philip has broken his peace treaties and attacked where he knows where he can win. Philip has already conquered many lands and is growing more powerful by the second. He is one our biggest threats and he possesses the resources needed to become far more powerful than us. Philip II has practically surrounded us with his territory and there is little doubt that we will be attacked next. We cannot fall like others before us who have blindly fallen to weaker enemies because they were tricked. If we do not act and just sit, idle there is a great chance that we will be destroyed. We need to act now Demosthenes has suggested that we send out messengers to unite the Greeks against his army and send resources to our to the armies. I think that we need to prepare for battle we must attack now before Macedonia gets any stronger. We need to have a government that sees beyond the lies of a traitor. We have been weakened by the many wars that have recently occurred and inner turmoil has weakened us further but we still must stand against are enemies and face the challenges ahead. Macedonia is growing very fast and they have broken almost all of its peace treaties. I think everyone should be able to see the threat that Macedonia represents and if our government can’t see it I definitely think it is time for change. I think that the people of Greece need to start acting if the government doesn’t. I believe that many others can see this threat as well as other cities in Greece. Action must be taken to prevent our doom. As Demosthenes said “We need not speculate about our future but to assure it will be disastrous if do not act now.” For all the people who think Macedonia are a threat to all of our lives you should say so in our next town meeting. We need to change our ways to lead to good not sit idle and fail.

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