Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ruhy Patel

Short Story
Ruhy Patel

A rotund boy sat in his gold plated chair, at the end of a long table, screaming for more sweets. His face and beautiful silk outfit were covered in sugar and tears streaked down his face. The maid scurried away to get more shaking her head ever so slightly. The queen walked in to the room and upon seeing the distressed child her frown deepened.
“My poor boy, how dare they not serve you, I shall dismiss the maid, where is that scoundrel.”
“Aya,” the queen screamed, “you shall not work at this castle anymore, go away.”
“But miss I was going to-“
“GO!” the queen interrupted, “never return”
The maid hurried away, tears streaming down her dirty face, and the queen turned on her heel with a huff, dragging the clingy young prince by the arm.
The sky lightened with pink and orange as the sun rose in the morning. The prince and the queen stepped out of the chariot for the daily morning walk. The usual scowl present on the prince’s pudgy face, and the usual disapproving frown on the queen’s face. The streets of the local markets were teeming with life by now and lowly commoners hurried by the queen, hoping for an excuse to talk to her. A gaggle of school age boys stood under the shining window of the toymaker’s shop. A shiny new toy soldier stood proudly in the window sill, gleaming for the world bravely. The young prince’s eyes widened and he slipped away from his proud mother unnoticed.
Infatuated with the toys in the store wandering the small shop, some time passed by. When, finally he turned to find his mother and her guards as before, they were nowhere in sight.
Panicked the prince wandered from tree to tree, but the darkness made it hard to distinguish one apart from another. Cold, hungry, scared and all alone he sat down whimpering softly to himself. Suddenly a twig snapped in the distance. Footsteps neared him, getting closer and closer until he squealed, the footsteps stopped.
“Who’s there?” a woman’s voice called.
“M-me.” the prince said his voice shaky with fear.
“Is that the prince, your highness, my goodness” Aya, the maid said coming into view. “You should be home with your mother, where are your guards and escorts?”
“I-I-I'm lo-o-ost.” He whimpered looking up at his favorite servant, her kind eyes staring back searchingly, yet piteously.
“Come,” Aya said, worry creasing her forehead, “come with me, I will let you wait with my family till morning, and then we will find the way home.” She held out a grimy warm hand. Frowning the prince took her hand and walked slowly beside the old amid, her gentle arm guiding him.
“Ahh, here we are.” Aya murmured softly. They stopped at the edge of a grimy little town. The central square was a fenced area with a few starved looking animals. Sloppy huts surrounded the square, four or five to a side. It looked as though the town was settling for the evening. Aya led the prince to the second house on the right side of the square.
“Welcome home.” She said
The door swung open, bright yellow candlelight streamed out.
“Mama Mama.” A scrawny girl ran to Aya’s arms. After a quick hug with her mother she turned her small head to face the young prince.
“Who you.” She asked, and then slapped her hand over her mouth. “Prince! Mama looky.” She squealed.
The prince’s scowl loosened a little at the tiny girl who looked so much like her mother. Her personality was like the same too.
“I know you are taking me to work tomorrow, is that why he is here?”
“Oh, baby child, I don’t have a job anymore.” Aya sighed then smiled.
The prince hung his head; it was all his fault for making her leave the castle and ruined her life all because of his stupid sweets. He loved his maid Aya; she raised him from a baby. The little girl interrupted his thoughts.
“What are we going to do mommy, are we going to have to leave our home, huh?” she said her tiny face serious black eyes shining with tears.
Aya smiled and folded the girl into her arms, “as long as we have each other we will be okay, we’ll manage.”
Something stirred deep inside the prince’s heart, he felt for the young girl and her mother, who without trying had changed him.
“No, no you mustn’t leave please,” the prince said looking into Aya’s eyes and a tear left his eyes. “I am sorry for everything, thank you, I need you, stay with us me and mother. Please.” Aya smiled and reached out for a hug, squeezing the prince. Shutting his eyes he realized that nothing could pay for love, friendship and family. Not all the gold in the world, and he wouldn’t give it up for anything either.

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