Thursday, January 28, 2010

Article-Kelly Myers

Kelly Myers Period 2/3
On Democracy: Direct or Representative?
Cleisthenes recently proposed a new idea to Greek civilians, a democracy. In this alleged ‘new government,’ everyone gets an opportunity to have an impact on the decisions we make. Apparently Cleisthenes, a native Athenian, feels that the poor don’t have enough supremacy in our community of Greece.
To give everyone an equal chance to display their opinions on upcoming evaluations and initiatives, every Athenian man (male over the age of XVIII) would have to meet at a certain place to present their conclusions on both innovative and conventional standing regulations, and regulations still yet to be determined. This meeting would be called the Assembly. Many of our citizens claim this is a problem; as do I. To maintain a healthy and prosperous lifestyle, we hardworking Athenians must continue our work, so that we do not starve. Soon, as there have been disagreements going on between us for quite some time, it is predicted that an attack by Persia will transpire in the next few decades. This could also conflict with this atypical proposition.
Epiktitos, a local Athenian, qualifies to partake in the Assembly whenever it is required. However, it is proven that this might not be the best solution, because even though Epiktitos is a poor sheep herder, his job matters, too.
“It is not our best concept,” he says of the democracy. “I make a living as a herder, which requires me to keep a close eye on my sheep. I cannot do that in frequent Assemblies, and my job would gradually become nonexistent.”
I have met with Epiktitos, and others who feel the same way. Only a limited amount of representatives has been determined to be the most desirable conclusion. It is a stretch, but we have attempted and succeeded in more problematic conditions in the past. Choosing the representatives in a lottery would also be advantageous in this situation.
It is our obligation, as the citizens of Athens, to revolt against what is wrong, and this time, if we don’t, it could destroy us. When it really matters, remind yourselves that you are strong, independent individuals, and we can get past these clearly difficult times. Since we have had difficulties with oligarchy in the past, it is clearly not the answer. A limited number of representatives is the answer. It is the one that we have been searching for to end this confusing era. The Persians can’t stomp all over us, and we must remind them of that. Make your decision now: a strong, methodical representative democracy, or a weak, haphazard direct democracy?

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