Thursday, January 28, 2010

Germanic barbarians invade Rome

Christopher Farnin
Our government has failed us! Because of disease Germanic tribes and a diminished economy, Germanic forces have entered our borders!! The Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Vandals, Angles, and Saxons are slowly pressing our empires land.
These barbarians are from the marshes to the north. They come in search of a warm place to live and farm. They also wish to plunder our wealthy cities. Our relationship with one of the tribes attacking, the Visigoths, has been rocky for a while now. We provided them with hospitality for a modest price, and in return they give us a rebellion, and defeat a legion of our soldiers at the Battle of Adrianople.
Because of our defeat, we were forced to surrender land to them. Then the Germans gathered their soldiers and led their armies into our empire. They have slowly taking our land, and in our current state, we cannot push them back. We fear that a significant amount of land may be lost because of these Barbarians.
We must act now if our empire is to survive. All citizens must join the army. These Germans are cold-hearted, and will kill without mercy. However, there is still hope. Our soldiers are stronger, and better trained. We have a bigger army, and the tactics to destroy them. We have been defending our empire for 800 years. We will not let a couple Germanic tribes over-throw us. We are stronger, smarter, and nobler then these Barbarians We are Rome, and we will succeed.

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