Thursday, January 28, 2010

A growing threat in Carthage

Christopher Farnin
As you know already know, the state of Carthage is a huge threat, but the threat is greater than you might expect. Our government has decided to finally end the problem in Carthage by sending an army to raid it. I couldn’t agree more with this decision.
Carthage is a bigger asset than we expect. It is in control of a huge trading empire. Conquering this dangerous state would lead us to almost unlimited trade resources. And would give us trade routes to places like northern Africa and southern Europe. Conquering Carthage would be a great achievement just to acquire their trade empire let alone the other wonders conquering this civilization would be.
Sicily, Sicily, Sicily. Conquering this menacing state would finally end the trouble in Sicily. We have been fighting in Sicily for years we have suffered countless losses, and we still can’t push them out. Because of Carthage’s strong navy, we are having much trouble in driving them out. Luckily, we have put together our own navy to demolish theirs.
Attacking Carthage would also prevent them from expanding. We have reason to believe that Carthage is expanding its borders to a place in southern Spain. If we wait to attack them, they could be able to flank our empire from the North, and the South which would cut off all methods of retreat. Our spies have also told us that Carthage’s greatest general Hannibal is planning a huge attack of over 40,000 soldiers!!!
We must attack now if we are to survive. I am putting all of my power as a senator and as a citizen to start our attack before Hannibal starts his, and I advise you to do the same. It’s all come down to attack or be attacked.

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