Sunday, February 21, 2010

seungkyu kim

Dear Chris,
My name is Ruhey and I am in love with a handsome man named Thamby. He is 27 years old and is a priest in a Hindu temple. But as a Sudra, the unskilled worker, I cannot marry a Brahmin, or a priest. My family was born to serve the three upper classes, the Vaishya, Kshatriya, and of course the Brahmins as slaves for the rest of our lives. We work for a Vaishya, or skilled traders, merchants, and minor officials as slaves.
Anyway, Thamby and I want to get married, but due to the unfair caste system, which determines what job you will have and who you will marry, that is not possible. Thamby suggested we should run away together under the cover of night. But I can’t imagine my life without my family. Also, I don’t want Thamby’s reputation to be deteriorated, leveling mine. What should I do?
Ruhey in Harappa

Dear Ruhey,
Oh no! That is terrible! I suggest that you wait until the caste system is overthrown. There were a lot of complains about the caste system from many others. I predict that it will be overthrown by the government soon. Also you could look for another man while waiting. To hurry up the process, create a strike against the caste system!
Chris the wise

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