Sunday, February 21, 2010

seungkyu kim

“This is Ryan interviewing the founder of one of the most popular religion in the world, Buddha, or Siddhartha Gautama. Mr. Gautama, would you please tell us a little about your life?”
“Well, I was born in a small kingdom near the Himalaya. It is said that my mother had a dream shortly before my birth saying that I would become a great leader. Our family belonged to the warrior caste. My father Suddhodana, ruled a group called the Shakyas, and my mother, Maya, passed away shortly after my birth.”
“And what were you like as a teenager?”
“As a young man, I am proud to say, I was very intelligent. I knew 64 languages and mastered my studies without any instructions.
“Wow! You were a genius as a teenager too! Now what was the most important part of your life?”
“When I reached 29, I realized the most important thing in my life. I was out of the palace walls, exploring the rest of the kingdom, when I saw beggars, ill people, and people broken down by age with no home and nowhere to go. Seeing this I was truly aware of suffering and I became very upset. I realized what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I wanted to search for the Truth, Enlightenment, and a way to rise above suffering.”
“How did you look for this “truth, enlightenment, and a way to rise above suffering”?”
“I left my beautiful wife, Yasodhara as well as my lovely son, Rahula and my palace and the fact that I was a prince to study with priests.”
“Wow. It must have been very hard for you, leaving your family like that.”
“Yes it was hard. But I had to, in order to find my goals.”
“So did you achieve your goals after leaving your family?”
“Yes! Of course! In the age of 35, I finally achieved my goals. I sat under a tree and reached full enlightenment. I wanted to share my discoveries about the nature of life and suffering, so I traveled around the world teaching others. And in a blink of an eye, BOOM, a new religion.”
“There is a quote you once said, “Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think.” what do you mean by that?”
“It means if you think positively every day, you will have a happy life. But if you just complain all the time, you will have a sad life. Our minds shape our lives.”
“Thank you Buddha! Have a nice day.”

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