Thursday, January 28, 2010

Article 1 Editorial

The Caste Systems
Ruhy Patel
Per. 2/3
As the rich nobles and the high princes ride through the streets in fancy chariot led by high strutting horses, in the outskirts of the town the “untouchables” hope they can make it through the day with enough food and water.
India believes in a system called the caste system, many people think that it is a way of keeping order in people’s daily lives. But I think it is a way of bringing pain and hopelessness to society. The caste system isn’t a system of organization it is a system of separation an segregation. Many people live like the Sarin family on the outskirts of town. This young family supports two young girl, a baby boy, a mother and a father. They live in a roadside hut made of mud bricks. The father is unemployed and the mother works as a maid earning barely enough money for the food scraps on their table. All the children do not attend school and must go beg for money to find some joy in their lives. What’s worse is they are doomed to stay that way for the rest of their lives. Their fates were made at birth and are to remain that way according to the caste system Silotopia.
While many live in poverty, many also live luxury. Princes and nobles ride upon their high horses without a thought or a mind of the people who need their help. They have never known they exist, haven’t cared they exist and they will never know they exist. Silotopia is our society our world and we must work to improve it, to make it a better place for our citizens. It shouldn’t matter what we are like everyone should be considered equal no matter what their paycheck is or how they live. But we will never get anywhere if we do not work against this discrimination in our society.
I have tried to send ideas to the raja asking him to get rid of the caste system or to offer oppertunities to the poor and the “untouchables to change their lives. I have tried to ask the raja for a connection of different societies. We must work together though; one person alone is not enough to fix our society. Silotopia should be the one to make the change, help to make our society a better place for everyone.
-Ruhy Patel

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